Here’s another hobby man cave collecting goal for many of us: a 1938 Goudey Heads Up Advertising Poster, which was described as Goudey’s file copy!

This example was a part of Robert Edward Auctions July 2000 catalog. Here’s how they described it:
This candy store window poster announces Goudey’s classic 1938 Heads Up series. It features a giant card of Brooklyn pitcher Van Lingo Mungo. This poster originates directly from The Great Goudey Find of 1969 when the files of Goudey surfaced in the hobby. This is Goudey’s file copy of this poster. Goudey file copy materials were saved by being stapled into a large album for future reference. Very close examination reveals a pair of very small and clean staple holes in the upper right and left corners, and the faint hint of a vertical crease. The poster is otherwise in Near Mint condition. Of the very few (less than ten) examples of this poster known, it is likely that this is the finest. One of the rarest and most impressive of all card related advertising displays. 8 1/8″ x 12″
The only other copy I was able to track down was also sold by Robert Edward Auctions. It was mounted on cardboard and framed with three cards (DeMaree, Bartell, Lombardi); it sold for $4,930 in the spring of 2005.